The Battle of The Blue

The Battle of The Blue
Rebel forces charge the Topeka Battery at Mockbee farm, original painting by Benjamin Mileham


Second Regiment of the Kansas State Militia, 
as of 10 October, 1864

                                         Online Cemetery  
                                          Field and Staff:
 George W. Veale, Colonel Bio Gravesite, H.M. Greene, Lt. Colonel gravesite, Andrew Stark*, Major, Samuel E. Martin,Surgeon bio,Gravesite, Samuel J. Reader, Lt. Adjutant QuarterMaster bioGravesite, Edward P. Kellam, Adjutant Gravesite, Freeman R. Foster, Sergeant Major bio, Gravesite, Dan Thompson, QuarterMaster Sergeant Gravesite Jacob Smith, Commisary Sergeant Gravesite
*Detached service at Topeka

                                                 Company A  (Topeka)
  Daniel H. Horne, Captain bio, Samuel R.Remington, 1st Lieutenant Gravesite, George O. Wilmarth,2nd Lieutenant, John Martin, 1st Sergeant bio,Gravesite, J.B.Whitaker,2nd Sergeant, Aaron B.Perine,3rd Sergeant gravesite, Tom Wilcox*,4th Sergeant, Peter Fisher,1st Corporal gravesite, A.L.Williams,2nd Corporal,  William E.Bowker,3rd Corporal, James A.Hickey,4th Corporal*.  Privates: G.W.Anderson*, GY.Arnold, Floyd P.Baker gravesite, Hiram T.Beman gravesite, Edwin Bodwell, James Brewer gravesite, C. Bowman, W.R.Brown, J.A.Butts*, James G.Bunker*gravesite, Enoch Chase,bio gravesite, E.E.Chesney, John F.Cole, James Conwell gravesite, David Dillingham*, David Edwards,   S.H.Fletcher, M.Gabriel, Asbury Gordon,  Louis Grasmuch, W.E.Hardey*, H.S.Herr*, J.H.Holman, Charles Kellam*, A.Kempton*, Edward King*, John Mahaney*, William Marshall, L.H.McArthur, Robert McGinnis, S.H.McGowan bio, Peter MacVicar bio,gravesite, D.W.Ross,William W.Ross gravesite, Isaac W. Shipley gravesite, Matthew.K.Smith gravesite, Z.D.Smith, Jesse Stone*, D.W.Stormot*, D.Thompson, Charles Thresher gravesite, and D.Zimmerman.
*Detached service at Topeka

                                                Company B  (Topeka)
 Dr. A.J.Huntoon, Captain gravesite,  James R.Parker, 1st Lieutenant,  Sylvester W. Higbee, 2nd Lieutenant gravesite,  J.A.Polley, 1st Sergeant gravesite,  Elias B.Williams, 2nd Sergeant, Hugo Kullak, 3rd Sergeant gravesite + bio, John Elliott, 4th Sergeant gravesite,  James R.Greer, 5th Sergeant, Jacob Willets*gravesite, 1st Corporal, William Flanders, 2nd Corporal, James R.Warren, 3rd Corporal, William Dawson, 4th Corporal.  Privates: James P..Alverson gravesite, W.T.Berryman, Edward Bradshaw gravesite, A.H."Hib"Case gravesite, J.S.Cook, Hiram C.Coville gravesite , Brock Crawford gravesite, Frank Dawson bio,   F.M.Fletcher gravesite, John Fletcher, John S.Freeland gravesite, John P.Greer bio, John Harriott, G.W.Herron gravesite, A.S.Hollenberg, Cyrus G..Howard, Paul Hubbard, Fred Huntoon gravesite, George M.Kellam gravesite, bio, Byron Jewell* gravesite, Robert M.Luce gravesite, George Ludington*gravesite, Samuel Marshall gravesite, Hiram McArthur*, Oscar McConnell, William McElhaney, John M. McQuiston gravesite, Samuel Mulligan*, Dr.Alexander F.Neeley, Willard S. Nichols gravesite, James O'Neil, John Oyster, A.Palmer*, Luther Palmer gravesite, W.H.Ragland*, Samuel Reese*, Nelson Holder Ritchie gravesite, Simon B.Schaffer, Harrison Staggs gravesite, James S.Stanfield gravesite, G.H.Taylor, Patrick Tighe*, John A.Ward gravesite,  E.L.Wheeler, Chase C.Whiting gravesite, George Wolf, G.H.Wood, Gabriel Wright*, David Young*, Harvey G.Young gravesite, John Young gravesite, Nelson Young and William Young*.
*Detached service at Topeka
                                               Company C (Tecumseh)
Joshua B.Hannum gravesite, Captain; Jehiel Tyler #,1st Lieutenant, Jesse W. Stevenson,1st Lieutenant bio, Hiram Ward,2nd Lieutenant, James M.Vaughn, 1st Sergeant; George W. Sharp,2nd Sergeant gravesite, Jacob Rankin,3rd Sergeant, Robert W.Hoback,4th Sergeant, James Sheedy,1st Corporal, Joseph K.Bartleson,2nd Corporal gravesite, Harvey D.Rice,3rd Corporal gravesite, Thomas H.Gage,4th Corporal.  Privates:  Joseph A.Adams,  Francis M.Coppage, Albert Chapman gravesite, Charles B.Chapman, Lewis Clogston gravesite, John J.Driver, James Fletcher gravesite,  John T.Gage,  Joseph F.Hopkins, Silas A.Hopkins, William M.Jordan gravesite, Sebastian Kizer gravesite, William Marx, William Massey, James Mathews* gravesite, Thomas McGuire*, George B. McKee, Albert G.(Buck)Miller, Osburn Naylor gravesite, Martin Norris, Alfred Quiett gravesite, Robert Quiett,  John M.Reed, William T.Reynolds,  Elias Roberts gravesite, Nathan Shadley*, Christopher H.Sharp,  Henry M. Sharp,  George L. Smith,  Benjamin F. Stillwell, Hiram J. Strickler gravesite, Elias Taylor, James Taylor, Chelsea T. Ward, Hugh Wilkinson*, Luther Woodford gravesite,bio and Perry T. Woodward.
#Resigned 18 October,1864
*Detached service at Topeka
                                                Company D (Indianola)
 Sterling B. Miles,Captain gravesite; William H. Morgan,1st Lieutenant, Thomas H. Hiller,2nd  Lieutenant gravesite, John G. Erwin,1st Sergeant gravesite, Roswell Rose,2nd Sergeant gravesite, Joseph J. Kopp,3rd Sergeant, gravesite, John Kemp,4th Sergeant gravesite,  Cyrus M. Kistler,1st Corporal gravesite, William K. Elliott,2nd Corporal, David Vaughan,3rd Corporal gravesite, Ephriam Johnson,4th Corporal.  Privates:  O.T. Angel, Moses Banks gravesite, John F. Bell gravesite, Isaac Bickell gravesite, James H. Brown, A.R. Button gravesite, M.A. Campdoras gravesite, James M. Clark, John M. Clark, John Q.A. Cope gravesite, Timothy Downey, Everett Eaton,  George P. Fiederling gravesite, F.W. Fleischer bio,gravesite, Perry Fleshman, John Griffith gravesite, James Huggins, Jacob F. Jenner, Robert Kemp, Thomas Kemp, B.F. Kistler,gravesite, Cyrus M. Kistler gravesite, George W. Kistler bio,gravesite, Joseph J. Kopp gravesite, James M. Kuykendall, John P. Majors gravesite, Ezekiel Marple gravesite, Thomas Marple gravesite, Robert McNown gravesite, David T. Mitchell gravesite, Isaiah A. Pasley, Austin W. Pliley bio, Edward B. Plummer gravesite, William Prusait, Dennis Ray gravesite,  John W.  Stamp gravesite, Charles B. Steward,  Thomas J. Wallis and Samuel T. Woodard gravesite.
                                                 Company E (Topeka)
 John H. Banks, Captain gravesite; William P. Douthitt,1st Lieutenant gravesite, Samuel C.Herriott,2nd Lieutenant, E.A.Goodell,1st Sergeant;  Charles A. Sexton,2nd Sergeant; Theodore B. Mills,3rd Sergeant*gravesite, George F.Boyd ,4th Sergeant; John Weir,1st Corporal; William H. Weymouth,2nd Corporal gravesite,  James Goodman,3rd Corporal; Charles Engler,4th Corporal gravesite.  Privates:  Edward A.Alward, R.T. Battey*, John Beck*, Hugh Campbell, W.W.Cleminson, Albert Cowan*, Lester M.Crawford, Thomas J.Crawford Jr., George Doane gravesite, Samuel  Dunham, Guilford Dudley*gravesite, Charles Farnsworth, W.H.Fitzpatrick, Harlow Kline gravesite, Albert Knowles, S.D.McDonald, Joseph C. Miller, John H.Mills*, John Murray, John Nichols, Wilmot Nichols*, John G. Otis gravesite, James Samuels, John T. Sharrai gravesite, Azel H.Slayton gravesite, George W. Spencer, A.S. Thomas* and Nathan Warner
*Detached service at Topeka

                                      Company F (Big Springs)
James Thompson, Captain; Dennis Moriarty,1st Lieutenant,  Patrick H.Geelan,2nd Lieutenant gravesite,  John Banning, 1st. Sergeant ; Alfred S.Roberts,2nd Sergeant bio, George Duncan,3rd Sergeant gravesite, Oliver D. Spencer,4th Sergeant gravesite, T.H.Clark,5th Sergeant, William Duncan,1st Corporal, James A.Davidson,2nd Corporal gravesite, Jonathan H.Glenn,3rd Corporal, Sanford H.Hilligoss,4th Corporal gravesite. Privates:  Frank Brown, Robert Campbell gravesite, Dennis A.Cardwell,   Henry E. Dummer gravesite,   James Eagle gravesite, George Fix gravesite, Henry Fix gravesite,  Lewis Grasmuck, J.H.Hall,  L.L.Howell, Thomas Johnston, Theodore Kreipe gravesite, D.K.Lawrence. John D.Lemkuhl, William Lemkuhl gravesite, J.B. Miller, Thomas Spray Murray gravesite, Jeremiah C.Niccum gravesite, Thomas F.Prater, David Rake gravesite,  J.W.Roberts,  W.A.Thompson and  Wallis True gravesite bio.

                                     Company G (Auburn) 
Horace E.Bush,Captain + gravesite+bio; Henry L.Shumway,1st Lieutenant gravesite, William H.DeLong,2nd Lieutenant gravesite,  Parkinson I.Bonebrake,1st. Sergeant gravesite+bio.; W.A.Hogaboom,2nd Sergeant*, Peter Fleck,3rd Sergeant gravesite, Ira Hyde,4th Sergeant gravesite, J.S.Markham,5th Sergeant, Henry C.Thompson,1st Corporal, Jerome Stahl,2nd Corporal gravesite, Robert Gault,3rd Corporal gravesite, Timothy D.Mills,4th Corporal gravesite.  Privates: Samuel Allen gravesite, George Baker, Isaac Baxter bio, John Baxter, Jacob Allen Blandon gravesite, Samuel Blandon gravesite, Johiel Bonebrake* gravesite, John W.Brown gravesite bio, T.D.Chidsey*, W.S.Clark*, Albert Copeland*, William H.Coombs gravesite, Lindsey T.Cook gravesite, Henry Cunningham gravesite, Henry M.Demming, Thomas Denman*, William A.Engle, Charles Garrison,  James M. Hastings gravesite, M.C.Hendrick, William S.Hibbard gravesite bio, Bart Imgrund gravesite, George Johnston, C.C.Lewis,  Thomas J.Markham,  Cyrus C.Moore, William H.Penfield, W.W.Phillips, Henry Pifer, Zachariah Perkins*, Ira H.Rees*, William P.Roberts gravesite, Frank Rickerhauser, John Robinson gravesite bio, James Russell, Brastus Seymour* gravesite, Eli Snyder gravesite, Peter Snyder gravesite, Peter Spangler gravesite,  Frank M.Stahl gravesite bio, Ruben Stees gravesite, Daniel Stephens, John Thompson, X.V.Walker and Granger Wood   
*Detached service at Topeka
                                Company H (Williamsport)                                                  
Perry Tice,Captain gravesite+bio; Joseph L.Young,1st Lieutenant, Henry K.Winans,2nd Lieutenant gravesite,  Oliver Selover,1st.Sergeant gravesite; William Wellhouse,2nd Sergeant, Edward W.Rudolph,3rd Sergeant, John C.Thomas,4th Sergeant, Samuel H.Wilson,1st Corporal,  John R.Whitlock,2nd Corporal, William Coker,3rd Corporal gravesite, David McMaster,4th Corporal.  Privates: James W.Brown, James Carroll gravesite bio, H.T.Clay*, Leviston Clay,  Joseph Dranning*, George W.Hamilton*gravesite, Emerey W. Hungerford, Wilson Hunter*, James W.Lacy, Timothy Lawler, Theodore H.Lescher gravesite, Harvey Matney gravesite, James Matney gravesite, William Matney Jr.* gravesite, J.McDowd*,  Orlando Moffet*, John H.Nelson, Charles Owen, John Porter, Daniel Randell, Thomas Reynolds, Isaac Seamans, Richmond Selover*gravesite,  E.W.Winans, Milton S.Yarrington bio gravesite, Jesse Yocum gravesite and W.G.Yocum.  
 *Detached service at Topeka

                                              Company I (Monmouth)
William Disney, Captain gravesite; John Helton,1st Lieutenant, Willaim Reed, 2nd Lieutenant; Samuel Kosier,1st Sergeant, Stephen J.Livingston,2nd Sergeant,  Francis Helton,3rd Sergeant, James A.Heberling,4th Sergeant gravesite, William Hotze,5th Sergeant, Harrison White,1st Corporal gravesite, Robert J. Boles,2nd Corporal gravesite, Silas Lyons,3rd Corporal gravesite, Edward Davis,4th Corporal.  Privates: J.P.Allen*, Robert Allen,  George S.Barnett*, Adam Bauer gravesite, Thomas Brooks*gravesite, Charles D.Bush bio, Aaron Coberly*gravesite, Joseph W.Coberly gravesite, A. Coyne*, Bartley Coyne*gravesite, Alfred A.Disney bio gravesite, Richard Disney gravesite, John Drick, Martin Drick, David P.Fultz gravesite, John M.Haywood*gravesite, H.D.Healy,  E.J.Heil, Jer. Hewitt*, David R.Hopper gravesite, Simon Hopper,  Hiram M.Howard gravesite+bio, Green Johnson, Horace Linn, John W.Little gravesite, William Lynn* gravesite, Horace G.Lyons bio gravesite,  James H.Norris gravesite, James A.Oliver, Marcellus Palmer*, George Roycroft*, Silas W.Stowall, Thomas E.Strode gravesite, A.M.Thornton, A.Towler*, W.G.Toney gravesite, William Waln gravesite, and Isaiah E.Williams gravesite.
 *Detached service at Topeka

                                        Company K (Topeka Battery)
Ross Burns gravesite, Captain; Tobias Billings*1st Lieutenant, Charles H. Wyckoff, 2nd Lieutenant; Charles H.Gibson*, 1st. Sergeant; Georg Ginnold, 2nd Sergeant gravesite, John A. Link, 3rd Sergeant gravesite, Nicholas Brown, 4th Sergeant gravesite, Edward Pape,5th Sergeant, Jeremiah Logan*,1st Corporal, William Farren*,2nd Corporal, C.R.Gilchrist*,3rd Corporal, John Ryan*,4th Corporal.  Privates: James S. Anderson, John Armstrong gravesite, John S. Branner gravesite,  Justus Brockway*,  Charles H. Budd gravesite, Daniel Copson*, Jacob F. Cummings*, Daniel Dawson*, John Devine*,  M.G.Farnham*, Redmond Fitzgerald, John E.Follansbee, Guilford G. Gage gravesite,   Daniel Handley gravesite, Nathan Harvey* gravesite, August Herboldscheimer*, J.H.Holman, Ben Hughes gravesite, A.Kingsley* Jacob Kline gravesite,  Fredrick H.Mackey, Henry Mackey, McClure C.Martin gravesite, Thomas McGuire*, D.L.Morse*, Philip Moeser*, William Moeser, Lorenzo Pauly* bio and gravestone, Morris Pickett*, Merrick D. Race gravesite,  Lear Selkin gravesite, William P. Thompson, S.B.Wade*, William Wade* bio+gravesite, Levi Williams, Samuel Wilson* gravesite and John Worth*. 
 *Detached service at Topeka           

  It should be explained that companies A and E of the 2nd. Kansas Militia, being unmounted, were assigned duty with an infantry regiment at another point on the Missouri border and did not participate at the Battle of Big Blue.  Because it listed no casualties, Company H of Williamsport was probably assigned to remain at Shawneetown to guard the Kansas border. The remaining companies detached some of their men to remain at Topeka to guard the city, with the exception of  D and F, which sent their entire companies to Missouri.

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